Module Glob

module Glob: sig .. end
loop i n p returns true iff the word u.(i .. i + n - 1) is in the ** language generated by the pattern p. ** We must have 0 <= i and i + n <= m

include Glob_ast
val sf : ('a, unit, string) Pervasives.format -> 'a
val brute_limit : int
val string_of_token : Glob_lexer.token -> string
val match_character_class : ('a * 'a) Bool.boolean -> 'a -> bool
module NFA: sig .. end
module Brute: sig .. end

type fast_pattern_contents =
| Brute of int Pervasives.ref * pattern
| Machine of NFA.machine
type fast_pattern = fast_pattern_contents Pervasives.ref 
type globber = fast_pattern atom Bool.boolean 
val fast_pattern_of_pattern : pattern -> fast_pattern_contents Pervasives.ref
val add_dir : string option -> pattern atom -> pattern atom
val add_ast_dir : string option ->
fast_pattern_contents Pervasives.ref atom Bool.boolean ->
fast_pattern_contents Pervasives.ref atom Bool.boolean
val parse : ?dir:string ->
string -> fast_pattern_contents Pervasives.ref atom Bool.boolean
val eval : fast_pattern_contents Pervasives.ref atom Bool.boolean -> string -> bool