Module Findlib

module Findlib: sig .. end

type command_spec = Command.spec 

type error =
| Cannot_run_ocamlfind
| Dependency_not_found of string * string
| Package_not_found of string
| Cannot_parse_query of string * string
exception Findlib_error of error
val error : error -> 'a
val string_of_error : error -> string
val report_error : error -> 'a
val ocamlfind : string

type package = {
   name : string;
   description : string;
   version : string;
   archives_byte : string;
   archives_native : string;
   link_options : string;
   location : string;
   dependencies : package list;
val packages : (string, package) Hashtbl.t
val run_and_parse : (Lexing.lexbuf -> 'a) -> ('b, unit, string, 'a) Pervasives.format4 -> 'b
val run_and_read : ('a, unit, string, string) Pervasives.format4 -> 'a
val query : string -> package
val list : unit -> string list
val topological_closure : package list -> package list
module SSet: My_std.Set.Make(My_std.String)
val add_atom : Command.spec -> Command.spec list -> Command.spec list
val compile_flags : package list -> Command.spec
val compile_flags_byte : package list -> Command.spec
val compile_flags_native : package list -> Command.spec
val link_flags : (package -> string) -> package list -> Command.spec
val link_flags_byte : package list -> Command.spec
val link_flags_native : package list -> Command.spec