module Make:
include Syntax
sep = (unit, Format.formatter, unit) Pervasives.format
fun_binding = [ `newtype of string | `patt of Ast.patt ]
val pp : Format.formatter -> ('a, Format.formatter, unit) Pervasives.format -> 'a
val cut : Format.formatter -> unit
val list' : (Format.formatter -> 'a -> 'b) ->
('c, Format.formatter, unit) Pervasives.format ->
(unit, Format.formatter, unit) Pervasives.format ->
Format.formatter -> 'a list -> unit
val list : (Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) ->
('b, Format.formatter, unit) Pervasives.format ->
Format.formatter -> 'a list -> unit
val list_of_meta_list : 'a Ast.meta_list -> 'a list
val meta_list : (Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) ->
('b, Format.formatter, unit) Pervasives.format ->
Format.formatter -> 'a Ast.meta_list -> unit
module CommentFilter: Camlp4.Struct.CommentFilter.Make
: CommentFilter.t
module StringSet: Set.Make
val infix_lidents : string list
val is_infix : StringSet.elt -> bool
val is_keyword : StringSet.elt -> bool
module Lexer: Camlp4.Struct.Lexer.Make
val lexer : string ->
(Camlp4.Sig.camlp4_token * Lexer.Loc.t) Stream.t
val lex_string : string -> Camlp4.Sig.camlp4_token
val ocaml_char : string -> string
val get_expr_args : Ast.expr -> Ast.expr list -> Ast.expr * Ast.expr list
val get_patt_args : Ast.patt -> Ast.patt list -> Ast.patt * Ast.patt list
val get_ctyp_args : Ast.ctyp -> Ast.ctyp list -> Ast.ctyp * Ast.ctyp list
val is_irrefut_patt : Ast.patt -> bool
val expr_fun_args : Ast.expr -> [> `newtype of string | `patt of Ast.patt ] list * Ast.expr
val class_expr_fun_args : Ast.class_expr -> Ast.patt list * Ast.class_expr
: Loc.t -> ('a -> Loc.t -> unit) -> ('a * Loc.t) Stream.t -> unit
class printer : ?curry_constr:bool -> ?comments:bool -> unit ->
.. end
val with_outfile : string option -> (Format.formatter -> 'a -> 'b) -> 'a -> unit
val print : string option ->
(printer -> Format.formatter -> 'a -> 'b) ->
'a -> unit
val print_interf : ?input_file:'a -> ?output_file:string -> Ast.sig_item -> unit
val print_implem : ?input_file:'a -> ?output_file:string -> Ast.str_item -> unit