let rec self depth on_the_go_orig target =
let rules = Rule.get_rules () in
let on_the_go = target :: on_the_go_orig in
dprintf 4 "==%a> %a" pp_repeat (depth, "==") Resource.print target;
if List.mem target on_the_go_orig then raise (Circular(target, on_the_go_orig));
match Resource.Cache.resource_state target with
| Resource.Cache.Bbuilt ->
(dprintf 5 "%a already built" Resource.print target)
| Resource.Cache.Bcannot_be_built ->
(dprintf 5 "%a already failed" Resource.print target; failed target (Leaf target))
| Resource.Cache.Bsuspension(s) ->
(dprintf 5 "%a was suspended -> resuming" Resource.print target;
Resource.Cache.resume_suspension s)
| Resource.Cache.Bnot_built_yet ->
if not (Pathname.is_relative target) && Pathname.exists target then
if Resource.Cache.external_is_up_to_date target then ()
else failed target (Leaf target)
if Resource.exists_in_source_dir target then
Resource.Cache.import_in_build_dir target
match List.filter_opt (Rule.can_produce target) rules with
| [] -> failed target (Leaf target)
| matching_rules ->
let rec until_works rs backtraces =
match rs with
| [] -> assert false
| r :: rs ->
List.iter (force_self (depth + 1) on_the_go) (Rule.deps_of_rule r);
Rule.call (self_firsts (depth + 1) on_the_go) r
with Rule.Failed -> raise (Failed (Leaf target))
with Failed backtrace ->
if rs = [] then failed target (Depth (target, Choice (backtrace :: backtraces)))
let () =
match backtrace with
| Depth (top_prod, _) -> Resource.Cache.clear_resource_failed top_prod
| Target _ | Choice _ | Leaf _ -> ()
in until_works rs (backtrace :: backtraces)
in until_works matching_rules []
and self_first depth on_the_go already_failed rs =
match rs with
| [] -> Bad (Failed (Choice already_failed))
| r :: rs ->
try self depth on_the_go r; Good r
with Failed backtrace -> self_first depth on_the_go (backtrace :: already_failed) rs
and self_firsts depth on_the_go rss =
let results = List.map (self_first depth on_the_go []) rss in
let cmds, thunks =
List.fold_right begin fun res ((acc1, acc2) as acc) ->
match res with
| Bad _ -> acc
| Good res ->
match Resource.Cache.get_optional_resource_suspension res with
| None -> acc
| Some (cmd, thunk) -> (cmd :: acc1, thunk :: acc2)
end results ([], []) in
let count = List.length cmds in
let job_debug = if !Command.jobs = 1 then 10 else 5 in
if count > 1 then dprintf job_debug ">>> PARALLEL: %d" count;
let opt_exn = Command.execute_many cmds in
if count > 1 then dprintf job_debug "<<< PARALLEL";
begin match opt_exn with
| Some(res, exn) ->
List.iter2 (fun res thunk -> if res then thunk ()) res thunks;
Log.finish ~how:`Error ();
raise exn
| None ->
List.iter (fun thunk -> thunk ()) thunks
and force_self depth on_the_go x = self depth on_the_go x; Resource.Cache.resume_resource x