let init () =
let anon_fun = add_to' targets_internal in
let usage_msg = sprintf "Usage %s [options] <target>" Sys.argv.(0) in
let argv' = Array.concat [Sys.argv; [|dummy|]] in
parse_argv argv' spec anon_fun usage_msg;
Shell.mkdir_p !build_dir;
let () =
let log = !log_file_internal in
if log = "" then Log.init None
else if not (Filename.is_implicit log) then
(sprintf "Bad log file name: the file name must be implicit (not %S)" log)
let log = filename_concat !build_dir log in
Shell.mkdir_p (Filename.dirname log);
Shell.rm_f log;
let log = if !Log.level > 0 then Some log else None in
Log.init log
if !use_ocamlfind then begin
ocamlc := ocamlfind & A"ocamlc";
ocamlopt := ocamlfind & A"ocamlopt";
ocamldep := ocamlfind & A"ocamldep";
ocamldoc := ocamlfind & A"ocamldoc";
ocamlmktop := ocamlfind & A"ocamlmktop";
let reorder x y = x := !x @ (List.concat (List.rev !y)) in
reorder targets targets_internal;
reorder ocaml_libs ocaml_libs_internal;
reorder ocaml_mods ocaml_mods_internal;
reorder ocaml_pkgs ocaml_pkgs_internal;
reorder ocaml_cflags ocaml_cflags_internal;
reorder ocaml_lflags ocaml_lflags_internal;
reorder ocaml_ppflags ocaml_ppflags_internal;
reorder ocaml_yaccflags ocaml_yaccflags_internal;
reorder ocaml_lexflags ocaml_lexflags_internal;
reorder program_args program_args_internal;
reorder tags tags_internal;
reorder tag_lines tag_lines_internal;
reorder ignore_list ignore_list_internal;
reorder show_tags show_tags_internal;
let check_dir dir =
if Filename.is_implicit dir then
sys_file_exists dir
(sprintf "Included or excluded directories must be implicit (not %S)" dir)
let dir_reorder my dir =
let d = !dir in
reorder dir my;
dir := List.filter check_dir (!dir @ d)
dir_reorder my_include_dirs include_dirs;
dir_reorder my_exclude_dirs exclude_dirs;
ignore_list := List.map String.capitalize !ignore_list