let main () =
let exit rc =
Log.finish ~how:(if rc <> 0 then `Error else `Success) ();
Pervasives.exit rc
proceed ()
with e ->
if !Options.catch_errors then
try raise e with
| Exit_OK -> exit rc_ok
| Fda.Exit_hygiene_failed ->
Log.eprintf "Exiting due to hygiene violations.";
exit rc_hygiene
| Exit_usage u ->
Log.eprintf "Usage:@ %s." u;
exit rc_usage
| Exit_system_error msg ->
Log.eprintf "System error:@ %s." msg;
exit rc_system_error
| Exit_with_code rc ->
exit rc
| Exit_silently ->
Log.finish ~how:`Quiet ();
Pervasives.exit rc_ok
| Exit_silently_with_code rc ->
Log.finish ~how:`Quiet ();
Pervasives.exit rc
| Solver.Failed backtrace ->
Log.raw_dprintf (-1) "@[<v0>@[<2>Solver failed:@ %a@]@\n@[<v2>Backtrace:%a@]@]@."
Report.print_backtrace_analyze backtrace Report.print_backtrace backtrace;
exit rc_solver_failed
| Failure s ->
Log.eprintf "Failure:@ %s." s;
exit rc_failure
| Solver.Circular(r, rs) ->
Log.eprintf "Circular build detected@ (%a already seen in %a)"
Resource.print r (List.print Resource.print) rs;
exit rc_circularity
| Invalid_argument s ->
"INTERNAL ERROR: Invalid argument %s\nThis is likely to be a bug, please report this to the ocamlbuild\ndevelopers." s;
exit rc_invalid_argument
| Ocaml_utils.Ocamldep_error msg ->
Log.eprintf "Ocamldep error: %s" msg;
exit rc_ocamldep_error
| Lexers.Error msg ->
Log.eprintf "Lexical analysis error: %s" msg;
exit rc_lexing_error
| Arg.Bad msg ->
Log.eprintf "%s" msg;
exit rc_usage
| Exit_build_error msg ->
Log.eprintf "%s" msg;
exit rc_build_error
| Arg.Help msg ->
Log.eprintf "%s" msg;
exit rc_ok
| e ->
Log.eprintf "%a" My_unix.report_error e;
exit 100
| e ->
Log.eprintf "Exception@ %s." (Printexc.to_string e);
exit 100
else raise e