module Loc :
type t = Lexer.Loc.t
val mk : string -> t
val ghost : t
val of_lexing_position : Lexing.position -> t
val to_ocaml_location : t -> Camlp4_import.Location.t
val of_ocaml_location : Camlp4_import.Location.t -> t
val of_lexbuf : Lexing.lexbuf -> t
val of_tuple : string * int * int * int * int * int * int * bool -> t
val to_tuple : t -> string * int * int * int * int * int * int * bool
val merge : t -> t -> t
val join : t -> t
val move : [ `both | `start | `stop ] -> int -> t -> t
val shift : int -> t -> t
val move_line : int -> t -> t
val file_name : t -> string
val start_line : t -> int
val stop_line : t -> int
val start_bol : t -> int
val stop_bol : t -> int
val start_off : t -> int
val stop_off : t -> int
val start_pos : t -> Lexing.position
val stop_pos : t -> Lexing.position
val is_ghost : t -> bool
val ghostify : t -> t
val set_file_name : string -> t -> t
val strictly_before : t -> t -> bool
val make_absolute : t -> t
val print : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
val dump : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
val to_string : t -> string
exception Exc_located of t * exn
val raise : t -> exn -> 'a
val name : string ref
module Token :
module Loc :
type t = Loc.t
val mk : string -> t
val ghost : t
val of_lexing_position : Lexing.position -> t
val to_ocaml_location : t -> Camlp4_import.Location.t
val of_ocaml_location : Camlp4_import.Location.t -> t
val of_lexbuf : Lexing.lexbuf -> t
val of_tuple :
string * int * int * int * int * int * int * bool -> t
val to_tuple :
t -> string * int * int * int * int * int * int * bool
val merge : t -> t -> t
val join : t -> t
val move : [ `both | `start | `stop ] -> int -> t -> t
val shift : int -> t -> t
val move_line : int -> t -> t
val file_name : t -> string
val start_line : t -> int
val stop_line : t -> int
val start_bol : t -> int
val stop_bol : t -> int
val start_off : t -> int
val stop_off : t -> int
val start_pos : t -> Lexing.position
val stop_pos : t -> Lexing.position
val is_ghost : t -> bool
val ghostify : t -> t
val set_file_name : string -> t -> t
val strictly_before : t -> t -> bool
val make_absolute : t -> t
val print : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
val dump : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
val to_string : t -> string
exception Exc_located of t * exn
val raise : t -> exn -> 'a
val name : string ref
type t = Lexer.Token.t
val to_string : t -> string
val print : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
val match_keyword : string -> t -> bool
val extract_string : t -> string
module Filter :
type token_filter = (t, Loc.t) Sig.stream_filter
type t = Lexer.Token.Filter.t
val mk : (string -> bool) -> t
val define_filter : t -> (token_filter -> token_filter) -> unit
val filter : t -> token_filter
val keyword_added : t -> string -> bool -> unit
val keyword_removed : t -> string -> unit
module Error :
type t = Lexer.Token.Error.t
exception E of t
val to_string : t -> string
val print : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
module Error :
type t = Lexer.Error.t
exception E of t
val to_string : t -> string
val print : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
val mk : unit -> Loc.t -> char Stream.t -> (Token.t * Loc.t) Stream.t